Saturday, 23 April 2016

The Palm Wine hug tales (Ghana , I'm home)

Waking up at 05:00hrs on a Saturday morning is not my ideal routine. Grumpy and irritated I sipped the hot builders tea my husband made for me. 
Stretching and mentally going through my holiday list of items filled me with dread (the anticipation of leaving behind some essentials). 
I've always kept a basic holiday list and depending on the type of holiday, I top it up appropriately with its essentials. 

A sip of the tea was a welcomed distraction to my grumpiness, as I began to envision my day ending up in Ghana. Hmm Ghana, A.C.C.R.A... memories of Reggie Rockstones tune la la

The warm feeling of hugs, laughter and unconditional love from my family and friends made me rush for the shower, as my irritating alarm bell went off...arghh!!
The smell of Ginger and Rosemary extract from my shower gel filled the shower which was invigorating (I'm obsessed with smells and how they make me feel). 

I checked my list with the  items packed and I was ready to go. My cat knew something was amiss, as she kept crying and rubbing her body across my leg. A quick pat on her head and a gentle rub behind her ears meant I could  escape before the next purr and knowing she is in good hands with the neighbour. 

Phew, I'm at the airport with at least an hour to spare (thanks to my husband for the ride). 

Thanks to KLM Ghana for sponsoring the African Chefs tour, the journey to Schipol airport was short and fun. I had the dreaded 3 or more hours to wait for my connecting flight to Accra. After walking for what seemed like eternity to the designated stand for my flight, I settled down to reply to the many emails I had. 

A lovely lady approached me , calling me 'Ndudu' ( most people assume that's my name rather than that of my business) , she had a warm smile, very beautiful and well mannered when she continued to address me. 

She introduced herself as an avid fan of my cookery show, Instagram page and was complimentary. She excused herself after we exchanged a few pleasantries to tend to her children. I was about to continue with my emails when I got approached again. This happened a few times and I realised the impact of following my passion for cooking and creating recipes was already having in my life. 

It was time to board my flight to Ghana and I settled in my seat comfortably. I started reminiscing about how this trip was made possible.

'Cooking for all my Ghanaian peeps , seeing my family, access to all the fresh natural ingredients.. Yes ... I'll love to partake in this experience'. 
My quick response to Melissa Mensah (CEO of ACCRAPREMIUM) as I read her email of invitation to Ghana to partake in the African Chefs Tour 2016.

Ghana is my heart and the last time I visited was in 2012. The lovely memories with my family, friends, the laughter, fun and teasing of each other made me smile. 
I felt ready to reconnect with my motherland, share some of my creative recipes, cook and explore the markets.

I met a kindred soul from Birmingham with her roots from Jamaica sitting next to me on my flight. She was on her way to Ghana to visit her Ghanaian boyfriend, soon to be a fiancée. It was nice to hear the 'Bromie' accent as I engaged in a conversation of various life's complexities. 

Honestly, I've never flown with KLM however the difference was clear in the warmth, patience and good service the air hostesses offered. Thanks for making the flight a memorable one. 

I woke to the Pilots announcement that we'll be landing in 15 minutes. I thought I was watching a movie after a long chat with my 'Bromie Friend'. Anyhow, we landed safely, I quickly said my goodbye to my 'Bromie friend' with the notion she would try to make it to the event. 

'Welcome home' my sentiments as the heat kissed my face and I was thankful for everything. I couldn't wait to taste all the authentic varied dishes of my beloved country Ghana.  I woke up in London and will be sleeping  in Ghana for the next 10 days. 

I quickly grabbed my cases ,from the conveyor belt into the arms of my family and Melissa. 

To be continued.....